当以嘴亲子 经文:诗2:12

江桂英 传道









To Respond to God's Requirement
By Pastor Jiang Guiying

Bible Verse Reading: Psalm: 2:12

"To kiss His feet" in this verse means to kiss the LORD. Kissing each other is a custom in Hebrew, just like shaking hands with friends in Chinese custom. To kiss means to accept, to make up, and to love.

1. To show acceptance.

In the Bible we read that Joseph was sold by his brother and became a prisoner though he had been a beloved son of his father. But because he revered God, God made him the prime minister of Egypt. When the years of famine came, Israel's sons went to Egypt to buy grain. When they found that Joseph was the Egyptian prime minister, they were frightened and at a loss. Joseph, however, kissed all his brothers and wept upon them (Ref. Genesis 45:15). He forgave them and admitted them. Likewise, we must always forgive and admit those who offend us.

Luke Chapter 15 records that when the prodigal left home with the property given to him by his father and spent everything, he did not even have the pods that the pigs were eating. He woke up and went home. The father longed for his son's coming back and when he saw his son in the distance, he was filled with compassion. He didn't care if the prodigal was dirty or not and ran and put his arms around him and kissed him, admitting his coming home. Isn't our Heavenly Father more forgiving to the sinners? Although human beings are "filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, covetousness, malice. Full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, craftiness, they are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of veil, rebellious toward parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless." (Roman: 1:29-31) Human "thoughts are thoughts of iniquity and their works are works of iniquity." (Ref. Isaiah: 59: 6- 7) "For my iniquities have gone over my head; they weigh like a burden too heavy for me." (Psalms: 38: 4)

Praise the Lord. For the sins of human beings LORD Jesus Christ became flesh. Though he was in the form of God, he did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited. He lowered himself to be a human being and fulfilled God's plan of saving human beings. He saved all the believers from the binding of evils and from the power of devils. All who believe in him enjoy peace, joy, grace and blessings in the LORD and have eternal life instead of sinking into degradation.

Once in a preach in New York, when the minister talked about forgiving and saving grace, many people were touched and converted to the LORD. A gentleman sitting in the front row listened very attentively to the preach and a drunkard leaned against him. After the preach, the gentleman wanted to repent, but the drunkard got hold of him and took out from his own pocket the watch and money he had stolen from the gentleman. He said, " I just stole them from you. I want to repent and return them to you. I am sorry. I was a thief before." The gentleman was so touched that he told him he was a thief too. The drunkard did not believe. The gentleman said, "Yes, I was a thief. You stole from me and I stole from the state. I often grafted public property." It turned out that both of them repented. Human beings should repent and "kiss the LORD" and open our heart to the LORD and accept Him as our only Savior as well as controller in our life.

2. To show reconciliation.

There must be conflict or inharmony or even hatred before reconciliation. Jacob used tricks to cheat Esau out of his birthright. Esau planned to kill him, so he had to run away from home. Twenty years later, he returned to his homeland fearfully. When meeting him, Esau embraced and kissed him. They became reconciled. (Ref. Genesis 33: 4) It is so precious to be harmonious. As the saying goes, family harmony brings prosperity. Once there were two households living in the Filialness and Justice Lane. One household was rich; the other one, whose father was a powerful official, abode by filial morale. The former rebuilt their house and extended their wall to enlarge their place. The two households could not live in peace ever since. The other household wrote to their father, who was a government official, expecting to defeat the former with power. But the father wrote back and said, "The letter from afar is just for the wall. It doesn't matter to yield an inch. The Great Wall is still there while the Qin Emperor is not." The son followed his father's instructions and shortened the wall. Seeing this, the former one, who was of justice, also shortened their wall. Thus, the two households restored good relationship. Later the lane is called Filialness and Justice Lane, which becomes a much-told story. We were not in harmony with God, but God loved us so much so that He gave us His only son. His only son died on the Cross for our sin, which made us reconciled with God, and we are exempted from God's anger and judge. "Happy are all who take refuge in Him." Let's live harmoniously with others and give good testimony for the LORD with our faith in Him.

3. To show love.

David's kissing Jonathan showed their love for each other. (Ref. 1 Samuel 20) Once Jesus took his place at the table in a Pharisee's house. A woman, who was a sinner, anointed the LORD'S feet with very expensive ointment, dried them with her hair and continued kissing them. Because of her great love, her sins, which were many, were forgiven. The LORD said to her, "Your faith has saved you; go in peace." (Ref. Luke 7: 36-50) How deep, great, and miraculous is the LORD'S love! "For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far he removes our transgressions from us."

If we do not want to kiss the LORD, or pretend to kiss the LORD, we will not be exempted from God's fury. Neither can we just kiss the LORD while our heart is far away from the LORD. We should learn from the lesson of Judas, who sold the LORD. "He was a thief; he kept the common purse and used to steal what was put into it." (John 12: 6b) To get the three hundred denarii, Judas pretended to kiss the LORD. He betrayed the LORD and ended up in destruction. He stood condemned through the ages. As it is said, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." (1 Timothy 6:10a)

Once there was a very greedy guard. He always wanted to get something when someone passed through the gate. One day, a fisherman caught a big fish and brought it to the house at whose door the man was keeping guard. The guard said, "You will be greatly rewarded for presenting the fish. You ought to give me half of the reward." The fisherman promised so. The master saw that the fisherman was so kind and wanted to return his kindness, but the fisherman begged for 500 whips. The master was confused. Having heard what happened, he was exasperated and gave 250 light whips to the fisherman and called in the guard and had him whipped heavily for the other half. The greedy person will become the victim of greed and fall in his self-weaving net.

Let's love our LORD with all our heart, with all our mind, with all our strength and with all our soul. We should not only believe in the LORD but also love Him; we should not only follow the LORD but also be more like Him and kiss Him so that we can be exempted from His wrath that is quickly kindled and become happy.   
