合家事主的典范 经文:约12:1-11

林信宁 传道






约12:3记载:马利亚拿着一斤极贵的真哪哒香膏抹耶稣的脚,又用自己头发去擦,屋里就满了膏的香气,她为主舍去自己珍藏的香膏。据考证,当时以色列的风俗中,香膏是少女为自己预备嫁妆用的。 马利亚经过辛勤积累,自己都舍不得用,但是为主全然奉献了,因她是为主安葬之日存留的。马利亚的表现说明了她的心中只有主,没有自己。路21:2-4记载的穷寡妇奉献两个小钱,却被主记念。因为那是她养生的全部,她却愿意为主全部奉献。约6:9-13节记述了一个小孩奉献出五饼二鱼,最后五千人吃饱,还剩下十二篮。圣经里的税吏马太、撒该,打渔的彼得,高智商的保罗,有地位的尼哥底母,他们都奉献给了主,为主牺牲。弟兄姐妹们,我们当效法他们,不要爱自己太多,爱主太少。








The Model Of The Whole Family Serving The Lord
By Rev. Lin Xinning

Bible Verse Reading: John 12: 1-11

We see three people in these verses: Martha, Mary and Lazarus. What they have done not only shows us how the whole family serves the Lord but also tells us how much each of them loves the Lord Jesus. I will share with you the model of the whole family serving the Lord from three aspects.

1. Busy for the Lord.

John 12: 2 records that when Jesus came, Martha was very happy. She served the Lord and awaited him quietly. Lord-loving Christians serve the Lord earnestly. But in modern times, many people are busy for the world rather than for the Lord. The Lord says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matthew 6:21) How many times our heart is tied up by worldly vanity and longing for the earthly wealth? We are busy all day for "the world" and for "the world" we do not come to serve the Lord, some even worship idols or false gods. They not only lose good testimony but also the real life. They serve "the world" and finally they will become the servants of "the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, the pride in riches." (Ref. 1 John 2: 16)

We know that parents' love for children is unconditional and their care for children is very deep as love is in proportion with service. Whoever we love, we are pleased to serve. The more we love, the more we serve. Both love and service needs to have action. It is not that Martha did not have her own work, but that she was willing to sit by the Lord quietly and ready to do whatever asked by the Lord. Martha is remembered and blessed by the Lord though one may think she loses something.

Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:58, "My beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." Praise the Lord for Martha's love for the Lord and her whole-hearted dependence on the Lord.

2. Sacrifice for the Lord.

John 12: 3 records that Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. According to Israel custom, nard is prepared by a lass as her dowry. She gave up the precious nard for the Lord. She might keep it for the day of the Lord's burial. What she did shows that she has the Lord in her heart only. Luke 21: 2- 4 records that a poor widow dedicated two small copper coins and she was remembered by the Lord. Because that was all she had to live on and she loved to dedicate all to the Lord. John 6: 9-13 records that a boy dedicated five barley loaves and two fish, and finally five thousand were satisfied and the left filled twelve baskets. According to the Bible, Zacchaeus, the tax collector Matthew, the fisher Peter, highly intelligent Paul, and Nicodemus of position all dedicated themselves to the Lord and sacrificed for the Lord. My beloved, let's learn from them. Don't love the Lord too little while love ourselves too much.

Mary gave what she loved to the Lord, which encourages the Christians and is remembered by the Lord. "Truly I tell you, wherever the good news is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in remembrance of her." (Mark 14: 9)

My beloved, we should follow Mary and deny Judas. Mary is filled with spiritual life and sacrificed for the Lord, but Judas served the Lord with his mask.

3. Close to God.

According to John 11, Lazarus raised from the dead four days after he died. The sign was widely spread. Therefore, when the Lord and his disciples reached Bethany, they were given a dinner by the grateful people. Lazarus was among them and he was sitting beside Jesus. John 15: 4 says, "Abide in me as I abide in you." Lazarus is filled with life of resurrection and he becomes anew in Jesus. Many converted to the Lord because of his resurrection.

Christians who have spiritual life try to be close to the Lord. First, they join in get-together worship, pray and read the Bible earnestly; second, they must be filled with spiritual life and be the light and salt for the Lord to testify for the Lord; finally, they must have life of resurrection and can testify the greatest power of the Lord, which leads others to the Lord. We see in the Bible that Lazarus, though he was silent, many Jews believed in the Lord Jesus because of him.

To sum up, Martha serves the Lord and awaits for His call quietly; Mary dedicates what she loves to the Lord; Lazarus is close to the Lord in silence, testifying His great power. The sisters and the brother in this family are involved in the Lord's work and sacrificed for the Lord. They set very good example for us.  
