转败为胜 经文:书7:1,8:1-3

江桂英 传道








To Turn Defeat Into Victory
By Rev. Jiang Guiying

Bible Verse Reading: Joshua 7: 1, 8: 1- 3

After the Israelites had attacked the strong Jericho, they tried to attack Ai, but suffered a crushing defeat at the first offensive. As a result, the hearts of the people melted and turned to water. Joshua tore his clothes, and fell to the ground on his face before the ark of the LORD and piteously entreated the LORD, he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads. Why did the people have such a disastrous defeat? How did the people rally their forces and turn the defeat into victory?

1. Be humble and do not underestimate the enemy.

Ai was a small city with small number of people. Normally, there should not have any difficulty taking it because the Israelites did not use any arms or armies when they attacked the strong Jericho. However, when the Israelites were proud and underestimated the enemy, they thought taking Ai was as easy as turning one's hand. It turned out that they fled before the people of Ai and thirty-six of them were killed. That's why the heart of people melted and turned to water. "Before destruction one's heart is haughty." (Ref. Proverbs 18:12) When humans are self-arrogant and underestimate the enemy, the temporary victory may be turned into defeat in the twinkling of an eye. King David, a man of resourcefulness and astuteness, had defeated the Philistines, the Moabites, King of Zobah, and the Arameans. The country was built up and prosperous. It was under such circumstance that David committed the greatest sin in his life: He committed adultery with Bathsheba, Uriah's wife. Then he planned a trick against Uriah and had him killed in a fighting. We see from the Bible that many kings, after their success, encountered failure and committed sin, such as King Saul and King Solomon, etc. "Humility goes before honor." (Ref. Proverbs 18:12) Joshua 7: 6 tells us that Joshua was so humble that he fell to the ground on his face and cried sadly, seeking for and receiving God's instruction again. Hence, he did not look down upon or underestimate the enemy. He chose thirty thousand warriors rather than three hundred, as he had done before, to attack Ai. It turned out a great victory. Usually people think that we need God's help on big things, and for the trifles, we do not want to bother HIM. We pray to HIM when we are in big trouble, and for the easy things, we manage it ourselves," From Joshua's experience, we find that we must seek God in all the things, because only HE knew what we will encounter.

2. Eliminated the devoted things.

There was someone named Achan who committed sin on devoted things when the Israelites attacked Jericho. The devoted things meant all the clothes, cow and sheep and other robbed things that should not be left. God had told the Israelites to destroy what should have been destroyed, but Achan did not care. Among what had been robbed, there was a beautiful mantle, two hundred shekels and a bar of gold weighing fifty shekels. Achan put all these in his tent. He did not think highly of God's command and thought the devoted things were nothing. It was he who kept the devoted things, which involved the Israelites in trouble. So the Israelites fled when attacking Ai and facing enemies. They were the cursed. The sin is like yeasty flour and the dough rises with only a little yeast. Similarly, if a person committed sin, it is not just himself that is harmed, but also that many will be involved in. The consequence of sin is serious. Therefore, we should not conceal our sin, nor should we take our sin as unimportant. We should not be like Achan who sinned and was destroyed, and whose family was also destroyed with him. His sin involved his family in trouble. Sin should be destroyed. Once sin was eliminated, the people would turn to obey God and God would not release HIS anger but protect their army and bless them with complete victory when they attacked Ai again. After we realize our sin, we must repent honestly and ask God for forgiveness and for strength anew.

3. Trust God's promise.

The devoted things eliminated, i.e., the sin cleared up, God ordered Joshua to lead his fighting men to capture the city again. Joshua was afraid to be negligent then. Instead, he depended fully on God's promise. God said to Joshua, "Do not fear or be dismayed; take all the fighting men with you, and go up now to Ai. See, I have handed over to you the king of Ai with his people, his city, and his land…Set an ambush against the city, behind it. (Joshua 8: 1- 3) There was encouragement, comfort and strategy in the promise that God gave to Joshua. Joshua then led the warriors out by night, and fought against the enemies under God's command. The thirty thousand chosen warriors lay in ambush against the city. They prayed and attacked their enemies and waited for further command. Meanwhile, Joshua led the people in the front, ready for city-capturing. Then he entered a valley and selected about 5 thousand people, asking them to lie between Bethel and Ai. Having stationed the forces, Joshua spent that night in the valley and prayed to God. Being close to God, we will get strength from HIM, because our having the strength lies in our peace and stability. Depending on the LORD, the Israelites had the victory. Whatever we do, or whichever situation we are in, we will turn defeat to victory, weakness to strength if we can depend on God's promise. God's words build up confidence, hope and strength in human beings while the words of human beings may fall empty, or make others weak. When prophet Elijah defeated the four hundred and fifty false prophets of Baal, he was frightened by the words of Jezebel, who wanted to kill him. So he fled. When he reached a solitary broom tree and asked that he might die, God revealed to him and talked to him, telling him that God had left seven thousand in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that had not kissed him. Hence, Elijah regained his strength and continued doing what was told to him by God. (Ref. 1 Kings 19)

From the lesson of Israelites attacking Ai, we learn that only when we are humble and careful, and eliminate all dirty things and hold God' promise can we lead a victory life, glorifying God.  

